Thursday, April 26, 2012

Muscle Spindles, Golgi tendon organ and reflexes

Muscle Spindle - Senses changes is muscle length

Intrafusal fibers run paralles to muscle fiers (extrafusal)

  • nuclear bag fibres - fast changes
  • nuclear chain - static changes

Activates alpha motor neuron

Innervated by gamma motor neuron

Has static and dyanamic sensors

Finer the movement, more the fibers

Stretch reflex - when a muscle is passively stretched, stretch reflex comes into play and contracts the muscle. effected by muscle spindle - monosynaptic - knee jerk reaction

Golgi tendon - Changes in muscle tension

Inhibits alpha motor neuron

Golgi tendon reflex - opposite of stretch reflex - when a muscle contracts, the reflex makes it relax - disynaptic - knife clasp reaction.

Flexor withdrawal reflex - pain - polysynaptic - ipsilateral flexion - contralateral extension

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